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Monday, 20 April 2020


Internet means connecting computer to any other computer which may be situated anywhere in any corner of the world. The internet has only one job and that is to transfer data from one place to another the internet has helped millions of people world wide to connect with each other and the best example of internet is e-commerce in this 21st century we all are very addicted to buy things online and it is  possible due to internet only. 

It is said that the world's first workable prototype of internet came in late 1960's  with the creation of ARPANET which is also known as "Advanced Research Projects Agency Network" which Department of defence after this the technology continue to  grow in 1970's after the scientist's like robert kahn and vinton cerf they developed TCP & IP i.e
 [Transmission Control Protocol & Internet Protocol] which set standards for how data could be send between multiple network's. The whole world took a noticeable reorganization when Tim Berners Lee Invented WWW i.e [World Wide Web]

We use internet daily but do you know unlike the discipline taught in our internet has also discipline which are said to be protocols they are of various types and perform their respective works Some of those protocols and their works are enlisted below;

This protocols break message and send them into networks

b} DNS

It translates the network address into the terms that can be understood by User's


It can automatically assign internet address to computer  user's 

d] FTP

It is used either to transfer file or to manipulate the files on internet


It is used for sending and receiving web-pages

f} IRC 

It is used for internet chat 


It is the protocol which helps in receiving of e-mail messages 

h} POP3

You may know this protocol it is used for receiving e-mail messages from remote mail servers but it does not maintain a copy of that just like IMAP does!


It is the protocol which is used for sending e-mail messages to server on internet.

The internet was released in India on Aug 15,1995 which was named as (VSNL) or Videsh sanchar nigam limited if we take a look on countries with the fastest internet speed than Taiwan is 1st in rank (acc to 2019)
Internet breakes the messages into packets and they travel from one place to another until they reach their destination. And if we talk about the internet speed of NASA than it is 91 GBPS and that's the reality Now let's talk about how much net speed would you require to get seamless gaming experience than normally it ranges from 3-6 Mbps but the gaming experience will be excellent if it goes like 15-20 Mbps.

That's all folk's we'll wind up here today but make sure you check my other blogs too  To do so Just follow this link πŸ–"techbunnys.blogspot.com"πŸ–œand as that i always say that i am a struggling blogger and i need your support so please don't forget to comment down below See you in next blog...✋✋


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