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Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

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Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

We live in India which is really diverse in religions,nature etc but we should not forget our rich history which is fulfilled with courage,bravery,sacrifices etc so today we will talk about one such personality such king who was down to earth, dedicated, brave and his name his Shivaji Bhonsle.
Actually it sounds like i am disrespecting him his real name is "Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj"
The brave Indian warrior who fought for his people, and the only mission he had was to establish Swaraj (Self rule)

Chhatrapati Shivaji maharaj was born on 19 Feb 1630 at a hill fort called 'Shivneri' he was deticated to his mother and her name was "Jijabai" also lovingly called "Jijau"
shivaji maharaj was memeber of Bhonsle Maratha Clan and he was formally crowned as Chhatrapati (emperor) at Raigad fort. Shivaji maharaja's military force also called as the Marathas played vital role in expansion of maratha kingdom. He also established competent and progressive civil rule with well administrative organisations.

Combat with afzal khan

Shivaji maharaj has also taken part in many combats or fights who teach us that let condition be worst as they can but we should always be optimistic & hardworking. One of  his intense fights took place at Pratapgad with the adilshah veteran  general called Afzal Khan in 1657. The Adilshahi was very upset and angry on shivaji maharaj  because they tried hundreds and thousands of time to defeat him but they never succeed. so they appointed afzal khan to take revenge by arresting shivaji maharaj.

On 10 Nov 1659 both afzal khan and Shivaji Maharaj met at foothills of pratapgad in private meting with one soldier each. When afzal khan invited Shivaji maharaj to hug him when they both met each other afzal khan made the first blow on Shivaji's Back but it was stopped due to armour which was weared by Shivaji maharaj in response to this Shivaji maharaj retaliated with wagh nakh ( Tiger's Claw) into afzal khan's stomach and killed him.

After this cannons were fired which was a signal to marathas to attack Bijapuri army more than 3000 soldiers of bijapur were killed and 2 Maratha chief's were also rescued who were heavily wounded. then they were sent home with money,food,gift's...

The next battle which involves is Attack on shaista khan and surat
Upon the request of Badi Begum of Bijapur, Aurangzeb, now the Mughal emperor, sent his maternal uncle shaista khan, with an army numbering over 150,000 along with a powerful artillery division in January 1660 to attack Shivaji maharaj in conjunction with Bijapur's army led by Siddi Jauhar. Shaista Khan, with his better–equipped and –provisioned army of 80,000 seized Pune. He also took the nearby fort of chakan , besieging it for a month and a half before breaching the walls. Shaista Khan pressed his advantage of having a larger, better provisioned and heavily armed Mughal army and made inroads into some of the Maratha territory, seizing the city of Pune and establishing his residence at Shivaji maharaj's  palace of lal mahal
In April 1663, Shivaji maharaj launched a surprise attack on Shaista Khan in Pune, along with a small group of men. After gaining access to Khan's compound, the raiders were able to kill some of his wives; Shaista Khan escaped, losing a finger in the melee. The Khan took refuge with the Mughal forces outside of Pune, and Aurangzeb punished him for this embarrassment with a transfer to bengal 
In retaliation for Shaista Khan's attacks, and to replenish his now-depleted treasury, in 1664 Shivaji maharaj sacked the port city of surat, a wealthy Mughal trading centre.

Shivaji Maharaj was once arrested but he managed to escape lets check how?
In 1666, Aurangzeb summoned Shivaji maharaj to agra (though some sources instead state Delhi), along with his nine-year-old son Sambhaji. Aurangzeb's plan was to send Shivaji maharaj to kandahar, now in Afghanistan, to consolidate the Mughal empire's northwestern frontier. However, in the court, on 12 May 1666, Aurangzeb made Shivaji maharaj stand behind military commanders of his court. Shivaji maharaj took offence and stormed out of court, and was promptly placed under house arrest under the watch of Faulad Khan, Kotwal of Agra.
Shivaji maharaj's  position under house arrest was perilous, as Aurangzeb's court debated whether to kill him or continue to employ him, and Shivaji maharaj used his dwindling funds to bribe courtiers to support his case. Orders came from the emperor to station Shivaji maharaj in Kabul, which Shivaji maharaj refused. Instead he asked for his forts to be returned and to serve the Mughals as a mansabdar; Aurangzeb rebutted that he must surrender his remaining forts before returning to Mughal service. Shivaji maharaj managed to escape from Agra, likely by bribing the guards, though the emperor was never able to ascertain how he escaped despite an investigation. Shivaji maharaj  smuggled himself and his son out of the house in large baskets, claimed to be sweets to be gifted to religious figures in the city.

We all Indians should be proud of such great Indian warriors who courageously fought for us with all due respect i got only one thing to say " Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj ki Jai"

Now its time for Shiv garjana;;;

प्रौढ प्रताप पुरंदर”
“महापराक्रमी रणधुरंदर”
“क्षत्रिय कुलावतंस्”

जय जिजाउ जय शिवराय

                          Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj   -   (19/2/1630-3/4/1680)


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