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Thursday, 21 May 2020

How to start blogging and earn money?

Everybody living on this earth want's to make money some work for it and majority want's to make money online taking into consideration of scope in such fields i have brought to you the best tips for blogging from my personal experience now i know my blog's are not monetized but they'll get soon because from past days i have been gaining much exposure so without wasting any more time let's get started...

  • Choose where you want to be

What i mean to say is before getting started you'll first need to understand in which topic you are good at or what kind of information you have the most because this can help you to fulfill the communication gap between you and your audience which is important to increase your traffic on blog's 

  •  Don't run for money

 If you are a beginner and want to earn money instantly then i'll advice you to please leave this platform because earning from such sources is difficult but you can make it possible by targeting your audience so your very first aim on blogger should be your audience.

  • Bringing audience to your site

If you believe me then my statement will be that it is not hard to bring audience to your site the only thing you should be careful at, is you don't copy paste anyone's posts because they have the write to remove your blog without any notice.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

This is the one and only one thing after your hardwork which can bring a difference you may already know about SEO so we'll not get into detail but after writing your posts you should be able to rank them and this work is done through SEO there are many YouTube videos about this topic so if you wanna know it in detail i'll suggest you to watch those videos.

  • Quality content

Most of the people especially the beginners think that blogging is all about copy-paste but i'll say you might damage your blog's reputation by doing so and your blog can also be removed without any notice as mentioned above.

  • Domain

As far as concerned it also plays vital role because this the place where your files are stored so make sure the domain you choose should be of good quality

  • Email address

 Once you went through all basics then providing a professional email address is very important because many timespeople who keep abandoning our website they never return so it is important to be in touch with them 

  • The keyword research

  Have you  published a blog but not getting discovered? then keywords play important role in it you need to find the keywords which have low competition and difficuilty then your chances of getting blog discovered may increase for this i would recommend "Semrush"

  • Consistency

You should be consistent with your blogging it has been said that good things take time so believe it and keep writing with consistency and you'll reach the top  in no time.

  • Leave a thoughtful comment

Try to visit other's blog and leave a thoughtful comment in their comment section because it helps to get the word out about our blog , get noticed by infuencers in your niche , and make new connections on the way.


  1. Good points you have listed here for start blogging. https://www.differentitsolutions.com/


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